12:49 Monday, September 15, 2008   1

The CONTENTS Procedure

Data Set Name        WEMAP.VERTCHAR                                                                        Observations          220
Member Type          DATA                                                                                  Variables             16 
Engine               V9                                                                                    Indexes               0  
Created              Monday, November 06, 2006 11:29:17 AM                                                 Observation Length    88 
Last Modified        Monday, November 06, 2006 11:29:17 AM                                                 Deleted Observations  0  
Protection                                                                                                 Compressed            NO 
Data Set Type                                                                                              Sorted                NO 
Label                Vertebrate Characteristics                                                                                     
Data Representation  WINDOWS_32                                                                                                     
Encoding             wlatin1  Western (Windows)                                                                                     

                 Engine/Host Dependent Information

Data Set Page Size          8192                                   
Number of Data Set Pages    3                                      
First Data Page             1                                      
Max Obs per Page            92                                     
Obs in First Data Page      51                                     
Number of Data Set Repairs  0                                      
File Name                   d:\data\im\wemap\data\vertchar.sas7bdat
Release Created             9.0101M3                               
Host Created                XP_PRO                                 

                                            Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes
 # Variable Type Len Format Informat Label

13 AIRBREA  Char   1                 X=can breath air                                                                              
 6 DROMY    Char   2                 P=potamodromous, A=anadromous,  C=catadromous                                                 
 3 FAM_OR_  Char  16                 Family or Class                                                                               
 4 HABITAT  Char   3                 B=benthic, WC=water column, E=edge amphibians, H=hider                                        
14 HERP     Char   1                 A=amphibian, R=reptile                                                                        
10 LONGLIV  Char   1                 X=long lived (age >= 8)                                                                       
 5 LOTIC    Char   2                 X=yes, prefers flowing water, L=prefers large rivers, R=rheophilic, adapted to fast water     
 2 NAME_COM Char  30 $40.   $40.     Common name                                                                                   
11 PIONEER  Char   1                 X=yes (Indicates unstable habitat)                                                            
 9 REPROD   Char   3                 F=floodplain amphibians, A=open substrate, A11=pelagophil, A12=lithopelagophil,               
                                     A13=lithophil, A14=phytolithophil, A15=phytophil, A16=psammophil, A23=lithophil               
                                     brood hider, A24=crevice spawner, B=nest guarder, B27=speleophil, C=egg bearer.               
 7 TEMP     Char   4                 warm, cool, cold                                                                              
12 TOLERA   Char   2                 TT=very tolerant, T=tolerant, I=intermediate tolerance, S=sensitive, SS=very sensitive        
16 TOL_VAL  Num    8                 Species Tolerance Values                                                                      
 8 TROPHIC  Char   2                 I=Invertivore, H=Herbivore, P=Piscivore, O=Omnivore, IP=Invertivore/Piscivore                 
15 T_E_V    Char   1                 X=Threatened and Endangered (& species of special concern - state list)                       
 1 VERTCODE Char   8 $14.   $14.     Unique Species ID